This is one sentence Marie-Lou en Pieter wrote to me in their first email. 'We are surrounded with a big loving family who, probably more than us, looks...
Seven years ago I photographed their wedding. This year Lars and Katrien asked if I could document their family -because it changed a little in the last 7...
Autumn in Paris is by far my favorite and with good reason. Red and yellow leaves twirl through the cobblestone streets as the soundtrack of "la vie en...
Balloons - a picknick - dancing - laughs and gigglesand two guys who love each other so much.Beam me up please!
Who would have guessed that 4 months from that first cold day in Ghent, shooting their engagement portraits, we would all be gathered around low tables in...
Our first appointment, before the wedding, got canceled because our son decided that it was time for his first (and probably not last) visit to the ER. 3...